Sunday 14 October 2007

On the red carpet

Well done Al Gore. I think. I see that the news in the US have taken it up with the usual provisos – left leaning Scandinavians with Ikea sensibilities – making a choice that must be examined in light of their obvious light headed desire for cheap furniture and outdoor hot tubs.

Growing up, winning the Nobel appeared like some great horizon, a sign of merit accorded to the very few. These days, as with so many of our cherished values, those who seek to control us, or should I say, control the status quo, downgrade those we admire, especially those who may be dangerous to the system.

Al Gore is particularly dangerous, as he looks and acts, except for his consciousness raising exercise, like a typical American. One of us. A bit overweight, good looking in a suburban well fed and dressed manner. Trustworthy. Which makes it all the more interesting that the American newspapers appear to be playing down the feats of this former candidate for the highest office in the land, just as they tried to deemphasise the narrow margin between his loss and the current office holder’s win.

Why now, after a Nobel Prize and an Oscar (possibly interchangeable in the American psyche on some levels), are there claims that try to destabilise his argument on climate change? In the UK, a teacher fought and won to only allow schools to show his film if there were appropriate arguments against the premise of dangerous climate change caused by man presented at the same time.

I’m glad I didn’t know about that. Maybe I’ll show it next week to my classes, most of whom don’t even know what the Nobel Prize is, but can explain the term ‘suicide bomber’ with ease.

Interesting, our society’s drive for self-destruction. Thanatos, the name of a minor Greek god that Freud borrowed to try and name what he saw as our irrational wish for ending everything, appears to be fighting for centre stage. Is it our choice, or are we just on the couch now, victims of ourselves, talking into space?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.